[Widget] Fancy Widgets v3.4.3 full
Persyaratan minimum: Android 1.6+Jadikan layar 'Home' handphone Android Anda menjagi lebih menarik dengan menambah widget dari Fancy Widgets: widgets, weather widgets, home (clock & weather) widgets, forecast widgets, dan masih banyak lagi. Beberapa fitur versi full
- Multiple location support for both clock and weather
- Choice of Google, WeatherBug or AccuWeather for weather forecast
- Current temperature notification
- Severe weather alerts with customizable notification options
- Easy backup/restore of your widget settings
- Over 400 clock and weather skins to decorate your home screen
- Fancy weather animations (rain, storm, snow, etc.)
- Fancy Widgets 1x1: weather icon, date, battery
- Fancy Widgets 2x1: digital/flip clock, date
- Fancy Widgets 4x1: digital/flip home (clock and weather), weather, forecast, digital/flip clock
Market info: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.anddoes.fancywidgets
Download: filesonic | depositefiles | multiupload (2.69 MB)
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