[ROM] Tutorial Upgrade Custom ROM - DarkyROM v10.4.2 [XWJW1] untuk SGS-GTI9000
Persyaratan minimum: Android Gingerbread + root + Dark Core kernel (lagfix on)Custom ROM Darky versi terbaru versi 10.4.2 untuk Samsung Galaxy I9000 telah dirilis. Firmware yang digunakan dalam ROM ini adalah XXJW1 Android Gingerbread 2.3.6:
- Download dan install aplikasi DarkyOTA dari Market, reboot setelah instal.
- Download DarkyROM v10.4.2 berikut: hotfile | ddl (130.84 MB)
- Copy DarkyROM_v10.4.2.zip ke dalam sdcard.
- Jalankan aplikasi DarkyOTA yang sudah diinstal
- Masuk ke bagian menu DarkyROM dan pilih fitur yang mau diinsta (jangan pilih Ad-Hoc)
- Pilih Wipe jika ROM sebelumnya bukan XWJW1 (untuk menghindari masalah disarankan memilih Wipe). Pilihan Wipe akan menghapus semua aplikasi, setting dan user info dan bukan file fisik di sdcard.
- Masuk ke General dan pilih Flash/Install File from SDCARD.
- Skroll ke bawah dan pilih DarkyROM_v10.4.2.zip
- Tunggu proses flashing sampai selesai
- Setelah proses selesai, harap menunggu beberapa menit (bisa sampai 10 menit)
Changelog DarkyROM v10.4.x
DarkyROM v10.4.2- Fixed Vibration bug
- Added GGB keyboard
- Fixed QWERTZ
- Fixed predictive text
- Updated DarkyROM theme (subtext in setting menus now green)
- If the file /sdcard/Darky/no-mods exists then locks, toggles, powermenu and crt are not installed (otherwise installed by default) [option to be added to OTA configuration tab]
DarkyROM v10.4.1 [2nd release]
- Fixed 3D Gingerbread Launcher Blur
- Added Talk2
- Fixed Rotary Lockscreen softboots
DarkyROM v10.4 [1st release]
- Completely based on XWJW1
- Fully rooted (including Superuser)
- Latest DarkCore 4.2.1
- Busybox, openVPN, zipaligned, deodexed
- BLN (BackLightNotifications) with BLN app
- 3D Gingerbread Launcher
- SIP over 3G
- DarkyROM APN list
- Fixed GPS
- CRT on & off
- SMS App hacked: no more group SMS limit or automatic MMS conversion
- Phone hacked: no more increasing ringtone
- Camera hacked: low battery hack + power button shutter
- DarkyOTA and Voodoo installed by default
- All DarkyROM custom sounds added and set to default
- DarkyROM init.d scripts (including SD-Card SpeedHack)
- DarkyROM Theme
- Lockscreen Modifications (change lockscreens with the DarkyOTA App)
- Multi-Toggles in the Notificationbar (10 toggles)
- MIUI battery bar (App included to disabled or customise)
- Extended Powermenu
- Percentage Battery
- Tweaked framework.jar (disabled scrollingCache for a lot smoother scrolling - especially in gallery)
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